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Welcome to Body & Soul: for Health, Healing and Help!

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Just curious if anyone has ever been told they look like a celebrity and if so which one? I keep getting told I look like Louise from hollyoaks, not a bad person to be compared to huh! x
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ok scenorio! a boy your seeing (for 4 months) whos quite drunk one night tells you he loves you and wants to be with you and then the next day goes a bit quiet and tells you maybe it was a bit to soon...
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This headline just appeared in our local paper is it not just the best headline ever?
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How are love bites given? One of those questions ive always wonderd... Thanks
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Does anyone know where I can get hold of cyanide? Or does anyone know of any other methods, drug or medicine or herbal methods of suicide which are painless and quick? Thanks.
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Who is a callum best lookalike on here,his eyes are wow! Omg,forgot how yummy he is,I want a callum,help!
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Having had yet another guy get scared and call it off between us, I feel thoroughly miserable and so fed up. Over the past few years the amount of guys i have had relationships with decide after a few...
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my tongue is KILLING me my mam said that she would take me to the docs on monday but its killing! Its super sensitive and its got bits of white on that fell like they are coming off! But they aren't!!...
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I'm getting my first tattoo tomorrow, has anyone got any advice on how to make it hurt less or stop the blood?
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im doing the disability awareness badge with my brownies and kinda need some help. there are three sections - blindess, deafness, mobility disabilities. the final section is to look into two other...
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Its about 00:20, ive had quite a few pints tonight, but i want to climb Arthurs Seat tomorrow morning. I say want, because im well aware of what im like in the mornings. Should i A - Go to bed now and...
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I had a 'Bombay bad boy' pot noodle last night. It was lovely while I was eating it, but this morning I've got bears breath. Any ideas how to get rid of it? Thanks
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naz the syringes are for my cat i am currently paying 7-50 for 30 from the vet just wondering if any one knew where to get them cheaper I AM NOT A JUNKIE
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Why do people have tattoos
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if you could pick 3 things that women were useful for, what would they be.
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Have had a really bad time recently (months) But went out with a girlfriend tonight.. to listen and talk with... have a laugh.. Nothing beats having a friend to talk to. And talking sense into you. Oh...
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I'm going to Edinburgh next week....Is the tattoo on?
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There is only one There is another greenie aint me. I will slay this imposter. Kick.....go to Sport and report his Q as an imposter please.
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circ sister
My friend's tongue has recently become ultra sensitive to foods that are spicy, peppery or salty. It feels like she has burned it and it takes several days for it to heal. In the past these same foods...
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I have the rank number of a friend in the armed forces and I need to contact them. I don't actually know where they are based at the moment, just their regiment, rank and number. If I sent a...

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