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Diffuculty staying asleep

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tinkerbell23 | 00:42 Tue 15th May 2012 | Body & Soul
50 Answers
I have difficulty as you kniw. Im shattered and feel sleepy....just as im about to fall asleep i jolt up ....and wake!M

Its torture and usually 4x a night.

You will know my ongoing problems-we have talked the life out of them....ur advice us invaluabke and im patuently waiting on an app with counsellor.

My Q is does anyone take anything to help sleep? Prescription or otherwise?

Id rather not....but if i was given a little something to help just untill i feel better id consider taking it xx


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Total eyes are rolling when typing this :0(

Had kalms, beta blockers, Hri night tabs and nooo caffiene x
i have heard that warm milk can make one sleepy
Tinks, have you considered hypnotherapy? I'm serious:
Question Author
Thanks....i could onky drink milk in tea....abd my tea is 3/4 milk lol reeeally milky....but avoided tea cos caffiene :/

Ive had nice warm bath, clean room, comfy bed x
Question Author
Interesting DEFO 100% have it..... Wonder if its on nhs then? Ill read the full link xxx
One a night Nytol usually sends me off.
Question Author
Ill buy them next then...had 3kalms., 3night herbal things, beta, and a hayfever tab which is a sedative....but these have been discontinued when i finish my last 2 or 3 :0(
Hiya Tinkerbell, I often jolt awake during the night when I have too much on my mind, over-thinking things before I go to sleep i found not to be helpful (obviously) have you tried some relaxation techniques before you go to bed?

I don't like 'pill popping' but although you've tried Kalms they worked for me.
Question Author
Thats all it is....a good sleep would sooo help aswell :0/ had bachs spray too!!!!

Js wondered i f a wee small dose of something would help for a month or so x
Question Author
Fri night and last night were quite bad so i expected to zonk tonight doh x
shhh everyone.. although (not quite) insomnia... I think Tinkerbell could be 'zonk-ing'
Hey Tinks, I suffer badly with insomnia. Nytol and kalms don't work for me. My doc prescribed me Temazepam but I'm too scared to take them in case I become dependant on them, which is daft. I have come to the conclusion I fight sleep. I don't know why though. I have never tried hypnotherapy...that might be an idea. Hope you manage some shut-eye hun xxx
Have you tried reading until your eyelids are droopy, then switch off bed-side
light and hopefull hey presto! Try and stay away from sleeping pills if at all
possible, they are so addictive. I'm still trying to wean myself off them after
many years. Sweet dreams.xx
I was advised to take 1 temazepam 3 times a week. Instead I take half a tab 6 times a week, and the docs seem happy with it. It's not brilliant, but as long as there's no Dad wandering around in the night turning the lights on and off, which often happens, I get around 5 hours, but my insomnia has always been pretty bad. Hope this helps.
As a long haul pilot for years, there's a guarded secret among those of us that cross inumerable time zones at 500 MPH... even East Coast (I'm in the U.S.) to West Coast means arriving in San Diego with the sun still high in the sky but the body saying "bed time".

I'm usually loathe to give any advice when it concerns the health of the questioner... but I can't remember how long ago it was that I was introduced to Melatonin. I do remember it was a younger pilot that recommended it. I did an indepth study of it to assure myself there would be no side effects and that it would be effective.

Melatonin is a naturally occuring substance within everyone's chemical make-up. As one ages, the Melatonin production lessens. Research indicates it's produced by the pineal gland in the brain and is responsive to light and darkness... production naturally increases when night comes on thereby setting the circadian rythm "counter".

It's over the counter, can't be overdosed and is effective. No "druggy" left over when awakening. (There's some new research indicating the possibility of Melatonin having a positive affect on migraine headaches).

I take a 3mg tablet 30 minutes before bedtime. I prefer the sublingual tablet, but one can get the usual aspirin size as well.

You may find this article (among others) helpful: http://www.vanderbilt...latonin.htm#Melatonin and Sleep

I do find that, at least for me, alcohol consumption should not accompany taking Melatonin... but I don't drink much except an occasional glass of wine.

Best of luck!
I t5ook Nytol, it worked perfectly for me sleepwise, unfortunately it is not good for people who have high blood pressure problems.
I don't think you can buy Melatonin in the UK. At least that was the case a few years ago.
Bizarrely, Nytol keeps me awake. Totally awake for the entire night. So I find that neat vodka works best. (not really!!)

I was prescribed Zopiclone when I was nursing my mum through cancer. I only took it of I was absolutely shatterd, but it did work. It didnt knock me out, but I would drift of to a normal sleep and not wake up till the morning.
Hypnotherapy can work but the first thing to do is sort out your sleep 'hygiene' your bedroom must only be for mobile, tv, music, laptop or eating/drinking if you can't use the electronic stuff in another room them somewhere else shut them away, get into a routine,,, same time every night, no lie ins if after an hour you can't sleep get up, leave your bedroom go to another room and do something until you find yourself getting sleepy that doesn't involve a lot of visual stimulation... so no going on line or watching tv... it takes a while but it does work... and hypnotherapy especially where you have a 'sleep triggering' routine suggested would help too, I don't think you can get it on the NHS though
Question Author
Thanks so so much for all your answers!!

Ill look into hypnotherapy...with any luck ill be working soon and have some money!! Also hoping working will make me more tired!!! And more exercise...

Only thing is...i use AB via mobile and i like it near by cos if i feel a bit :0/ iffy....i just come here to read or chat...

I do read aswell every night. I usually fall asleep for 15-30mins then jolt awake- horrible.

I dont want to be dependant on anything either...but id prob like a half a tablet or something very minimal untill i get everything all sorted out xx

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