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Is She Just Overreacting?

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Workno | 09:37 Mon 09th Oct 2023 | Body & Soul
55 Answers

My brother came over today, and he brought over his dog, he has a 260 pound English mastiff, the dog is really sweet. But for some reason my four year old daughter didn’t want to be anywhere near the dog. they have met before at my brothers house, she was afraid then also.


why is this? she adores dogs, we have a border collie and they get along and play together just fine, even on day one when I first brought the dog home. My dog and my brothers dog are identical to him. . But she is just really scared of the mastiff for some reason. of course I respect my daughter and I make sure she feels safe. But why is she like this?


Is it really true that a dog like a Rottweiler or a mastiff very easily knock  over a toddler with a simple trivial tail wag, or by just walking past, or spinning around to say hello? Even so, our border collie can do the exact same thing. 


My brothers dog has done nothing wrong. Why is she acting so scared of him? Like I said we have a border collie at home and they play together.


My daughter is so small that she has to physically look up at the border collie, when they stand side-by-side, she is eye level with the very bottom of his chin. And she can stand on her tippy toes and she will just barely be able to see eye to eye with him. and he’s just your average border collie, he weighs in at around 40 pounds and is way stronger than my daughter. and even from day one, she didn’t let the height strength and weight of the border collie get to her. So why is she so afraid of the mastiff?


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End of ......
11:04 Mon 09th Oct 2023

What a strange group on this thread.The OP asks a civil question and then gets slated because they have asked a similar question before. How very odd.


Quite right gulliver. It's not like the OP is continually trolling is it?

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Why should I keep them away? That's like saying I should keep in the border collie away from her because at any moment that very sweet dog could turn. If that's the case then shouldn't everyone keep all dogs away from children because they could turn at any point?

I would like to have it work out if possible but I need to first understand why she is so scared of this dog and not the other one

The simple answer is because the dog does not have a cute and friendly look that your dog has, nor is she as used to him.

Why don't you ask your daughter ?!

Does the mastiff drool/slobber ?  Maybe that's not helping things 

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when I ask her she won't tell me

End of ......

It's a good idea to ask your daughter...she's old enough to be able to express herself. Be direct...without influencing her response. 

"If that's the case then shouldn't everyone keep all dogs away from children because they could turn at any point?"

yes.  People don't and kids get killed and injured.

I dislike/am fearful of other people's dogs, but my own sleeps on my bed (when he can)  i am not scared of him cause ive been living with him for 2 years.  Perhaps it's the same as your daughter

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on day one whenever I brought the border collie home they pretty much instantly fell in love and got along. That's what I don't get. There was no moment where she was hesitant of the collie at all, but for some reason with the mastiff she is just really scared. Both dogs are very very sweet Both dogs are very loving.  

It's probably because the dog is obese and ugly.  Must be quite a terrifying site for a mite.

imagine it like this:

all posters on this site post questions or answers so are essentially identical.

However, i like some posters, and others i cant stand

its the same with you daughter and dogs - some she likes some she doesnt

There you have it...straight from the canary's mouth !

A big dog could be very dangerous to a small child.

It would be prudent to keep them well apart,

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I mean the border collie can be just as dangerous to her. So I should also keep them apart according to what you're saying?

You seem to want everything YOUR WAY even though your child is distressed. Have some common sense man! 

If she's really scared, then a good idea not to have dog near her.
Dogs sense fear and this could spark an attack.... we read/hear of dogs attacking people.  I once went to pat a collie and the shepherd owner told me never to trust a collie  ..strange as it may sound. 

"I mean the border collie can be just as dangerous to her. So I should also keep them apart according to what you're saying"

do what you want - you will anyway!

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No i'm just saying that by that logic, I shouldn't have kept the border collie around her? Because the border collie towers over her and can very easily hurt her without trying. Even though this is a very sweet dog the risk is too great???


in that case no Dog should be around any child

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