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Last Will And Testament

It is never easy when a family member or friend passes away. Sorting out wills and legacies in often entangled financial affairs can be a nightmare, and cause rows in one in ten families following a death. Problems can become even worse when the person charged with executing the will's instructions may be struggling wi...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Home Insurance Firms Warn On Uncovered Gadgets

Most of us, or our children, have at least one or two gadgets in our possession. Things we seem to not be able to live without even though ten years ago they weren’t invented. Things like iPods, PDA’s, MP3 players and increasingly complicated mobile phones. In addition, these things do not come cheap and qu...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

The Hidden Price Of Partying At Home

By opting to hold a party in your own home over hitting the town many people may think they are saving themselves a packet, but home insurance firms have warned that it may not be as cheap as they think. People planning their parties at home spend on average around £200 on drinks and nibbles say home insurance f...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Bizarre Insurance Claims Increasing

A sharp increase in spurious or exaggerated public liability claims against local governments has led to increased costs for taxpayers and insurers. An annual list of the silliest insurance claims made against local government authorities in Britain includes a shoplifter who sprained her ankle attempting to escape and...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Home Insurance Firms Warn That Flood Cover Guarantee Dependent On Investment

A few years on from the Carlisle floods, the worst in the UK for over 100 years, home insurance companies are warning that the country is still vulnerable to rising waters. Over two million homes in the UK are still at risk of flooding, and with the effects of climate change this number is expected to increase to 3.5 ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Women Car Buyers Pushed Online

Every now and then we all have to buy a new car. Whether the one we have is old and broken or the family is expanding and we need more seats. Many of us do not relish the idea of trawling around car lots looking for something suitable that is in our price range. Another worry many of us have is that we will be ‘f...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Millions Could Cut Costs On Travel Insurance

More than six million holiday makers in the UK could have saved money by opting for annual travel insurance cover, claim new industry figures. When we book our main annual holiday most of us know that we need to get some travel insurance as well. However, it seems that many people do not realise that getting travel in...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Check The Small Print For Winter Sports Travel Insurance

Although for many of us a hot summer sun holiday is the ideal there are plenty of people out there for whom the cold slopes are the best way to relax. Many resorts now do all year glacier skiing and so we can get our fill of the piste at any time. However, whenever and wherever we go to swoosh down the slopes it is vi...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Long Suffering Parents Lose Out To Young Drivers

Young motorists are opting to borrow their parents vehicles rather than splash out on the cost of their own, says a motor insurance survey. More than one in ten (13 per cent) motorists in their late twenties admits that they are still using their parents' vehicles. As more and more of our young people are staying at h...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

UK Warned Against Freezing Gas And Electricity Bills

Many of us have shopped around for the best prices on our gas and electricity bills in the past. However, some schemes may not be the great deals they look initially. As the prices of gas and electricity have risen over recent months more utility operators have begun offering long-term fixed rate deals. With the cont...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Women Spend Millions On Unworn Clothes

We have all done it. The sales have come around and we have stood outside our favourite shop for a couple of hours waiting to get in. When the doors open you run in a grab everything you can get your hands on in your size. But seriously how much of it are we ever really going to wear Well it seems that many of us are ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Number Of Pension Age Employees Set To Increase

Many of us who are currently working are looking forward to the time when we can sit back and relax with our feet up when we retire. However, more and more people who are reaching retirement age are not retiring. It could be that for economical reasons they want to carry on working or simply that they feel they have mo...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Homeowners Warned On Home Insurance Content Cover

Many years ago Christmas was all about family; and presents, although required, were a small affair. In most households the most expensive present was likely to be a bike or train set. Nowadays, however, the scene is different. Although family is still important in these modern times the presents have changed dramatic...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Claim Your Child’s ‘Free Money’

For those of us who are blessed with children we could always do with a bit of financial help. If your child was born on or after the first of September 2002 the government has £250 to give you to invest on their behalf. The fund is to be held in trust for the child and cannot be accessed until they are 18 years ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Money Worries Making Us Sick

Financial stresses and strains are becoming so bad that they are making us ill, according to a survey from a major health insurance provider. Money Sickness Syndrome, diagnosed by a mental health expert, occurs within people who have a poor understanding or control of their financial situation. Symptoms include headac...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Resolutions Prove Brittle In The Chill January Days

When December 31st rolls around we all want to make a clean start in the New Year and make our lives better. Many of us make resolutions in January, some are achievable and some are not but recent research shows that most of us have forgotten about our ideals by the end of the first month in the year. It seems that as ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Travel Insurance A Must In Addition To EHIC

We all know that when we go on holiday it is wise to also get insurance to cover our trip. However, some people are relying on the E111 form to cover any medical costs and not taking out travel insurance. This is a misguided approach it seems. Travel insurance firms have warned holidaymakers not to assume that the imp...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Crooks Targeting People Not Homes

Home insurance companies are warning that the targets of petty theft are changing as thieves no longer have to nab a stereo or TV to make crime pay. Instead, the growing numbers of high cost portable electronic devices in the nation's pockets are becoming the main objects of crooks attention, say home insurance firms....16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Homeowners Warned Of 30 Day Home Insurance Rule

All those who thought that they had made a smart move by relying on home insurance to cover their house 24/7 for 365 days of the year should do a reality check. There is a caveat in what home insurance promises. Home insurance companies are warning that up to 561,000 homes which owners have left believing to be fully ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Quarter Of A Million Households Face So Called Fuel Poverty

When the winter comes around most of us think nothing of turning up the heating to keep the house warm. But for some this is just not an option, these are people who are in so called ‘fuel poverty’. Fuel poverty is defined as when a household is forced to spend more than ten per cent of total income to hea...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

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