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Locks 'n bolts

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Robinia | 14:18 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | DIY
504 Answers
Can someone tell me the official name of this type of bolt please, I'm sure it must have one.
Where have all the old fashioned hardware stores gone?...the nice man in a brown overall & a pencil behind his ear would know what I meant by 'twisty, bolty thingy' (even if it hadn't been invented).


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"Hello... Mr AB Ed?...can you please ban LoftyLottie....for ever...?"
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Just imagining you Neti!!! ;o)

This came out when my son was about 2 and he loved it!!
Must be the bottom/top of the page again. Testing, testing.
Lottie I know where your sciatica has gone....I have it :(((
Woke up in the night and found one leg on fire all the way down. Happily large doses of paracetamol have helped. Drugs??? bring em on I say. Thanks for that grumpy photo, me and Dh to a "T"
Ceiling now mended, DH now not so grumpy and its a lovely sunny autumn day here. The US version of Life on Mars has kept the music and the irrelevancies and missed out the substance IMO. "Gene" still wears funny shoes (white loafers) one sidekick is called Chris, the other has wild facial hair, Sam has still cone from Hyde but there is no life in it at all.....Got to say that Phillip Glenister can fire up my quattro any time.
I like the silly farm games on FB and there is a great section called mindjolt full of solitaires and little games, terrific when you should be ironing
No, it was just Robbie banning me!!!!
Oh no Woofie, not you too!!
My sciatica is awful again today, but my cough seems better!!
Going shortly for a hot bath and I don't like baths!!

Agadoo, doo, doo, la la lala la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (impossible with only one good leg...................
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Hi woofy...sorry to hear you've got an 'atica now...hope it's short lived

....speaking of which, if you'll just step to one side Lottie's only got one good leg & I'm just the person to do something about it...
Right, this is war!........................
Right now am doing the Birdie Song

Have just watched \"This is Elvis\" and I cried, cos he was so lovely in hos younger days.

OK now this:
Please please me and stop it!!

Have just watched "This is Elvis" and I cried, I know I know it was years ago but I adored him in his younger days, didn't much like him when he got fat.

off to do the birdy song now
Oh, don't ask!!
I love Elvis's voice Neti. I never appreciated it when I was young, but now I think he really was the King with that voice!!

One legged Lottie now hopping around to the Ketchup Song................

You put your left leg in left leg out left leg in and shake it all about, You do the Okey Kokey etc !!!!
"once upon a time there was
A little white bull
chorus: Little white bull.....

But I still think that doing the twist to the lonely Goatherd has got them all beat...but maybe not today
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Elvis was one of the most handsome men of all time in my opinion...

Not much chance of hokey cokey in here's more hokey chokey....well done for remembering the Lonely Goatherd woofy, the Sound of Music is Lottie's all time favourite film

heeeeeeeeeee />
(I've actually got a soft spot for that song, reminds me of a long summer & good times)
"everybody called him a coward, just cos he was white
only black bulls go to the bullring
only black bulls fight"
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I beg your pardon…? Sex, drugs and rock&roll…? I would no longer recognise sex if you showed it to me on a postcard and the closest I got to drugs was the Dr Hook gigs I used to frequent in Copenhagen - the air was like pea soup on those occasions so I must have got my share :)

I'm getting worried about my voice, I assume it's laryngitis but I've had'em before and this one is so much worse, probably from all the coughing. Also that it seems to start over and over again, just when I think it's gonna get better. Remember I said I sounded like one of Vinny's Barcelona trannies? Well since then I've explored The Exorcist, total muteness and E.T. and I'm still coughing. On the bright side, I have been able to get some sleep for the past two nights so that's a major relief. Poor jno, you must be so tired. Poor Woofy too, in fact, poor everyone-except-the-hippie I suppose :/ Lottie, do you have a voice? Your cough sounds very much like mine.

Went out yesterday to buy some groceries and by the time I got home I had also bought two pieces of art…! There's an art gallery right on the street where I live and I saw a linocut in the window… they weren't open but the gallery owner was there hanging paintings for an exhibition that opens on Saturday. As luck would have it he was expecting another visitor and he thought I was she and let me in ha ha ha! First I bought this linocut & charcoal, it's called The Cat Sitter and it reminded me so much of Jude on cat duty with Polly: …and then I fell for another cat drawing by the same artist (Ulva Larsson), something in between Garfield and a Roman emperor. Can't find it on the internet but take my word for it, it's funny :)

Well possums, it ain't drugs and it ain't rock&roll… 17:42 Fri 16th Oct 2009 I was saying, before I was so rudely censored by AB, it ain't rock&roll and it ain't drugs...

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