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Are Student Drivers Getting Penalized?

16:37 Mon 24th May 2010 |

New drivers are a group of consumers being hit hard by high automotive insurance rates.  The only way to combat these financially taxing rates is by educating young drivers. Top insurance companies give special discounts to teenagers who participate in driver’s education programs. You could make a potential saving of up to 30% on your premium by taking the government-approved Pass Plus scheme, designed to help you increase your expertise as a new driver.

Car insurance doesn’t have to be painful:

If looking for car insurance is becoming a pain, which you just can’t get rid of, the perfect antidote could be getting credibility in order to get lower insurance premiums.

One way of doing this is by taking an advanced road safety course, which most insurance companies offer for young drivers. This type of training courses may cost a little extra, but the amount you spend will offset the cost of your insurance premiums in the long run.

If clipping curbs is in the past then you should be looking to curb the high costs associated with student car insurance by emphasizing good grades to potential insurers. Most companies offer lower premiums if a student is an academic achiever, since logic dictates that good grades equal responsible driving.

With insurance premiums rocketing sky-high as the number of genuine and fraudulent insurance claims increase, along with the downturn of the economy leaving more Brits finding new ways to cut back on costs, young drivers are left struggling even more to find cheaper car insurance.

One of the main reasons for the high priced car insurance for young drivers comes from road accident statistics which highlight that drivers aged 21 or under are more likely to be involved in an accident and are 10 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured compared to motorists aged over 35.

Student Discount:

We all know one of the major advantages of being a student is the discount we are given, but car insurance discount is much harder to come by- you have to earn it.

Young drivers should keep in mind that their records will play a crucial role in their future, especially when it comes to purchasing car insurance. Students should start being responsible motorists from the very beginning to maintain spotless driving records. This includes traffic tickets and citations, which can spell disaster to insurance providers. Because insurers consider these kinds of reckless motorists as high risk clients, they would often increase their insurance premiums.

The car insurance market it extremely competitive- so use this to your advantage. If you are dealing with an agent, you could bargain and ask for discounts or bonuses before signing up. If you intend to sign up online, make sure that you first survey all promotional offers available for student car insurance, so that you will not miss signing up for great deals.

Another way student car insurance could be cheaper is if you have a car which is worth £5,000 you should insure your vehicle with third party, fire and theft rather than fully comprehensive. This means the policy incorporates less but the basic rate you pay regularly is not as high.

Many insurers now offer some of their best and most affordable policies online. Young drivers can browse the various student car insurance deals from the comfort of their own home when you going online and they can also compare the terms, benefits and premiums with ease.

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