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President Donald Trump Says He Believes Waterboarding Works

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mikey4444 | 08:20 Thu 26th Jan 2017 | News
159 Answers

Trump wants to bring back torture, despite Congress voting overwhelmingly to ban it recently. He also wants to expand America's use of keeping people in prison abroad, without charge or trial. of the free !


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He's not listening. I read 'Stolen Years' by Paul Hill, one of the Guildford four, and they admitted things they didn't do because of torture and sleep deprivation. Trumps attitude is scary.
08:33 Thu 26th Jan 2017
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And where would that get you dieskdick?

If you want to say, as the new President - "Torture definitely works ..." and mean 'Actually, it makes me feel better if I can react to some of the nameless terror I feel at being utterly powerless to prevent terrorism, and being violent to a terrorist speaks to my inner fear ...' then that's fine, no argument.

And if you want to say "Torture definitely works ..." and mean 'Well, it's the opposite of what the last guy said, and he was a wimp, and I need to make my mark and be seen as a tough guy so no-one messes with me ..." then that's fine too, no argument there either.

But if, as the new President, you want to say 'Torture definitely works ..' and mean anything by that phrase other than you will get meaningless confessions, and ramp up the terrorists' anger and violence even further - then you are a complete fool.

Torture patently does not work - that is a given.

Violence against terrorists and looking like the hard new guy by giving them more reasons to hate The West does not work - and that is what President Trump is talking about.
// No, you are taking words out of context. .... He said "I want to do what is within the bounds of legal. Does it work? absolutely it works." //

no we are taking the words in context

the context is that Dick Cheyne was asked why he allowed Americans to torture suspects and answered
" we were told it was legal "

With regard to 'voter fraud', President Trump is doing the same as he is with his 'wall' and 'waterboarding' - he is making a load of noise in completely the wrong arena.

The election is over, there is zero evidence of voter fraud, but PT has to make a big noise to show everyone that he is 'on it' - even though it doesn't matter because it's an irrelevance.

And 'the wall'. He is still make masses of hot air about that, even though anyone who knows the first thing about immigration from Mexico - and I do, so I'm pretty sure he should - knows that the vast majority of illegal immigrants come into the In visas, and then stay on illegally. They don't stroll across the border, so building a wall won't stop them, because they don't come in illegally in the first place!

And 'waterbaording' - there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that Congress will allow the return of torture like this, but he has to make a big noise about it because he thinks it makes him look assertive, and on top of foreign policy.

President Trump has a vertical learning curve in grasping what being President, instead of a windbag candidate, actually means.
If the security forces say waterboarding works, I imagine it does.
^ depends if they were 'drowned out' :-)
American's don't consider waterboarding as torture. Under the SERE system it is used to toughen up potential members of their SEAL teams. The reasoning being is they wouldn't torture their own countrymen, ergo, it isn't torture.
// If the security forces say waterboarding works, I imagine it does.//

then ni my dear you are being more gullible than usual

here is steve kleinman - chief interrogator of the land of the free
saying it doesnt
( he had an up and down career and eventually loses his job for what he is saying - oo-er Mrs !)
Naomi - //If the security forces say waterboarding works, I imagine it does. //

If we wish to be pedants, and given the accepted definition as this -

"The practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or in order to force them to do or say something."

I could not disagree.

But outside the world of pedantry, in the real world of terrorism and politics for example - you'd have to expand that point a little, and ask - What do I want the victim to do, and what do I want him to say?

If your belief that it 'works' is to include doing something positive, and saying something truthful, then I venture to suggest that you are going to be seriously disappointed on both counts.

So clearly, it doesn't 'work' in terms of satisfying anything making it even vaguely worth doing.

That just leaves you with looking hard to the wider world, and winding up Islamists, something they need no help with whatsoever.

Not what I could reasonably view as a result worth the reaction such behaviour would attract - derision and hatred voters, bombs and death from Islamists.
From 2016, 'Trump, Feb. 17 : Torture works. OK, folks? You know, I have these guys—”Torture doesn’t work!”—believe me, it works. And waterboarding is your minor form. Some people say it’s not actually torture. Let’s assume it is. But they asked me the question: What do you think of waterboarding? Absolutely fine. But we should go much stronger than waterboarding.'

Not only does he have no problem with waterboarding, he thinks worse should be used.
I'm just going to drop this here:
Democratic says Trump should resign.

Well I'll go t top of our stairs.
Thank goodness someone more articulate than I.saying exactly how I feel.
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I too, don't think that Trumps "people" won't allow torture to return. There doesn't seem to be any enthusiasm for it.

But what bothers me about this outburst from Trump is that he could say it in the first place. Its yet another ill-thought out rambling, from a person who is now in the White House.

Its just part of this stream of consciousness that pours out of his mouth, every time he opens it, and that should give everybody concern.
mikey, still waiting for you to tell me where Trump said he supports torture and intends to implement it.
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TTT....its all over the media....he favours using torture, by waterboarding and even worse......go do some research.
TTT - Read Corbyloons post.
why I'm talking to mikey, who made you the referee?
Because he's posted what Trump actually said and you won't be happy until Mikey repeats it. How immature...
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TTT....don't be so rude and disrepectful to Ummm....she is only telling you what I and others have already done.....many times.

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