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Utter Lunacy 60 Statues To Go

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retrocop | 23:49 Tue 09th Jun 2020 | News
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BLM have targeted 60 Statues and Plaques. Their choices are bizzare. Will we now have black stabbing victims picking and choosing what hospitals save their lives. They apparently now don't appreciate Guy's hospital. I am sure Guys didn't turn them away when they were bleeding to death.
Arms manufacture and Engineer Armstrong. Obviously BLM would have sooner lived under a Nazi regime. Armstrong Company manufactured the Armstrong Whiteley Bomber in the 2nd W.W.

Horatio Nelson, Drake et al. It has to stop. Full list in Link;utm_source=pushly


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Gherkin: 'However, those who are retaliating to the aggressive police presence,' I don't know what you were watching but I saw a bunch of coppers being commendably restrained in the face of extreme provocation. Copers who weren't allowed to wear beat helmets which might have offered some protection. Coppers who weren't allowed to wear crash helmets and...
15:19 Wed 10th Jun 2020
Time for the army.

The MSM, including the biggest culprits the BBC, need to understand that pampering to a loud violent minority is not going to gain much sympathy.

All this is going to do is create further divide and push people to hate them, achieving totally the opposite to what they set ut to achieve.
I could say a lot about their behaviour but if they want to abolish racism why are they being so racist?

Why not target slavery and racism in countries where it is still practised?
Too difficut LJ, plus they will meet a Police force that is truly aggressive not like the namby pamby Police Farce we have here.
youngmafbog, I don’t for one minute think it’s our police force’s fault, they take orders not to be heavy handed in any situation, I think they’re under tremendous pressure
I sometimes think YMB they just don't know what racism is.

Once worked with black girl who I was friendly with and she talked constantly about her church and what they did. As I lived near and was interested I offered to meet up and go with her but got told ' You can't come. You're white. It's only for black people'. Is that not racist?
Yes LJ, had similar experience when I lived in Peckham. Whites were not allowed in Kings, could only go to the Clock.
Bobbi, I do agree they are under tremendous pressure but that is the job. I dont blame boots on the ground just the lefty liberal Uni lot running it. They cannot go around dishing out fines for sitting on a park bench and then turn their backs on violence and vandalism because it is too difficult.

The Police have lost now, clearly mob rule is the way to go if you want something.
YMB: "All this is going to do is create further divide and push people to hate them, achieving totally the opposite to what they set out to achieve. " - yep see my thread in CB.
Without mob rule, youngmafbog none of the ladies of this generation would have a vote. Without mob rule, I'm afraid to say that society wouldn't progress anywhere. Mob rule is the power of the people. You can slate it because you're against it but the harsh reality is there would be no progression in society without a bit of rioting. Just thank the stars you're not a black person living in a racist system. I'm sure that would be worse than sitting at home reading about these riots.

It's for all for a good cause. Enough is enough.
All that is going to happen is your edl's of this country are going to grow in size and take action.
We've already seen "football fans" protecting statues and it's going to happen more and lead to violence
Such foolishness, such ingrained racism - you could hear similar ‘arguments’ and yah-booing in most secondary school playgrounds.

Patrick Robinson, leading actor in the recently-shown BBC play ‘Sitting in limbo’, made some excellent points on today’s ‘Breakfast’ interview.

One, that racism, like an aggressive cancer, permeates the whole western body (that means you, and me), and that the young people of Bristol did NOT run riot through the shopping malls, destroying and looting, they targetted a statue of a man who had made his fortune from slavery, and quite rightly dumped it in the harbour!

Wakey wakey folks. The times they ARE a-changing.

"All this is going to do is create further divide and push people to hate them"

When you say "People" you must mean, those who are not rioting and when you say "them" you must mean people who are rioting?

If you mean "people" as in "whites" and "them" as in "blacks" then I am afraid to say that you're not very educated on the diversity of people at these riots. Yet you have a strong opinion? Odd, that.
In the Mail today is an article about gangs of football hooligans going to attend the demos in order to protect statues.They have been urged to do this by no less than Tommy Robinson.
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The Daily Mail's front page describe it as a 'cultural revolution' .
I think it could be rightfully described as cultural 'terrorism'
It is abid to eradicate our history with actions worthy of Chairman
Mao's red guard, the Taliban and ISIS. . The Tory's no longer run HMG's government. They have handed it over to BLM. Mayor Khan looking all doey eyed and defensively asking the news journalist,' How would your family like to walk past these statues every day which celebrate slavery?' For all Khan knows his muslim forefathers could made a few bob out of the slave trade. Islam does not hold the moral highground in these matters. BLM are happy to enjoy the benefits hundreds of years after we abolished it. Free university scholarships, hospital treatment etc. You give people like Khan some authority and he runs wild like a tip pot despot.
//How would your family like to walk past these statues every day which celebrate slavery?
I doubt that most people walking past pay any attention to the statues.
Allen, I couldn't agree more. It is refreshing to read such content among such ignorance.

I thank you for that, young sir.
I think if I was black (I'm not, by the way, may come as a surprise but there you go) this 'system' is the very one I'd want to live in.

So much weighted in my favour and all I'd have to do is put up with a few mouth breathers then when it all gets on top of me I can kick off and embarrass 'the system' into giving me more.
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Enoch's chickens have come home to roost. :-( EDL is a proscribed organisation. What banner will Tommy Robinson be flying and if it is clearly EDL what are the police going to do about it on the day I ask myself.
I fear all they have done is awake a sleeping giant (AY). They have given power to the thugs of the EDL and BNP and all the football nasties who have been short on fighting opportunities for decades. Well done BLM and co, you had an effect, not the one you wanted mind.

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