A stroll down memory lane for me. I had to pass the behemoth every day. I often arrived at work having been blown to pieces or soaking wet due to the weather in that area. Gabardine appeared to absorb more water than it repelled and trousers below knee level became a sodden shade or two darker than above. An umbrella was more of a hindrance than a help on such days.
Down memory lane for me as well, F - oft have I walked down that road, and I've been to both theatres, too. Why is it always so rainy in Manchester? :)
Hi Flonska, OK but have you any idea who the actor is? He was in the Grass Widow play at the Royal Court in 1983 but at 37 years old that seems rather mature for a debut in the West End and I can't find any link with him and the nearby theatre which I assume is The Garrick.
I think that the bookshop in the text is at No 84 Charing Cross Road, made famous by the novel and film. The actor I mentioned in my last answer could be Alan Rickman.
Thanks Etch, Your hint led me to Jack Buchanan who did indeed make his debut in the West End around 1912 with a comic opera "The Grass Widow". He had several business interests including managing the Garrick Theatre.