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number of partners...

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joko | 16:52 Sun 15th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
59 Answers
why do so many guys have an irrational issue with how many guys a girl has slept with?

i watched a film last night and i guy had a huge issue about his 30-odd year old girlfriend having had 13 guys!
I mean, if you break this down to average years of sexual activity it amounts to under 1 a year!!
why is there a blind connection to the number rather than in relation to age?

why does this even matter?
why do guys think they have a right to be bothered by this?

even if the girl has only been with 2 guys in 15 years, you can bet she has had loads and load of sex, in many positions, places, etc etc ... after all, people experiment more with a long term partner, and they are more likely to be a bit kinky or use toys, porn, other couples etc etc when with a long term partner - so why would a bloke would care more about amount of guys than amount of sex...?

she is also more likely to have been emotionally involved with the guys she was with for long term, so surely that should be of more concern to a guy, than a temporary physical activity?

any guys enlighten me ?


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i knew none of those 3 were you - they were 11, 12, and 13...
I wouldn't want to put my willy anywhere near a woman that has had more pricks than a second hand dartboard!! Just the thought of having sex with a slapper turns my stomach!!!

I'm now with a partner who never fell into trap of putting it about and very happy we are!!! and probably had less partners in her lifetime than many women had in a week!!

It just comes down to standards at the end of the day and maybe some people just don't get choices!!
Yes Roy....I have a 15 year old daughter.
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and how many have you had ratter??

and you say a woman having sex is a trap? whats the trap?
and whose standards? god? your parents? society's?
what about humanity, nature, etc?

and do you honestly think that, other than prostitutes, there are many women who have loads of partners in one week??

some men on here make it sound as though they think there will be some 'residue', some evidence of it, something still there...that can never be removed and will some how affect your willy?
i mean where does this come from?
what difference is 3 or 33?
its still some other guys knob!
do you think mens knobs are permanently covered with 'residue' from every female, that can never be removed?
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i notice still no actual answer to the question, just lots of 'eww' stuff...
Well said Joko....very well said.

I live by my morals....and I have quite a few. I would never stand in judgement of a woman that sleeps with people as and when she wants to. I do think it's a 'bit' slapperish when you see 17 year old doing it. A woman in her 30's knows her mind and body, she knows what she enjoys and can appreciate sex for what it is.

Personally....I have never had a one night stand and I never would. That's a decision I have made that suits me as a person. I enjoy sex when it's with someone I know and trust.....I could, possibly, get to know and trust 4 men a year......that's not unreasonable for a woman in her 30's.
Told you,... nobody wants a crack wh0re.
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exactly ummm, this weird squeamishness and self righteous double standard crap is just ridiculous.

far from being a slight on the women it actually makes me think what small minded men these people must be! blindly following their mates or dad rather than thinking for themselves

the thing is, i'll bet half the garbage spouted about these women is lies anyway!

its mostly all mates standing around, going 'had er, had er' etc etc - do you think most blokes realise that most of this talk is pure clap trap and it never happened?

its also clear that the guy reading this are taking no notice of the figures and statistic and logic, just continuing with turning their nose up.
grrrr..... just reading these answers from the boys makes me mad.
I was brought up in a pub....a very male dominated Irish pub. I learnt at a young age how important it was for a girl to protect her reputation but watched married men picking up different women every week.. Double standards makes me sick!!!!
Trouble is joko, you are taking this to the extreme!! I nor anybody else is saying that a woman having sex with a few partners a year is a problem. I think all I am (and probably others) saying is that Women who sleep around all the time and have very low moral standards are not for us!! I have been married and divorced twice and now in another long term relationship, I have never asked a partner how many lovers they have had or any other details of past relationships but you soon get to know if they have been sleeping around or if they have low moral standards.
I've lost count of the number of one night stands I have had, but that doesnt make me a "big man" it was down to being in the Army and being on the move constantly. I couldnt give a flying fcuk how many partners any of my ex's had, the important thing is that when you are in a relationship, you only have one partner, your current one.
I agree with you ummmmm but we are not all like that, some men are faithful to their partners and some women are unfaithful to theirs. I have never been unfaithful to a partner.
I know that Ratter and I don't judge men like they are but judgement is passed on women a lot quicker than on men. Sad but true.

Personally I think a lot comes down to attitude. You have men who lose interest in a woman if she sleeps with him on the first date. Me, I won't go on a second date if the man tries to pressure me into sleeping with him. So any man that I've slept with has had to show me respect from day 1.
Well said ummmm!!!! I expect a woman to have respect for herself, if she hasn't got that, she hasn't got very much!! and certainly nothing that I would want.

Yes and some men certainly act like oversexed dogs that will leap on anything that moves!!! It does work both ways for sure!!
interesting debate, but is there anyone who regrets having sex with a person e g . one night stand . alcohol induced. too young, ? is sex just a pastime ?
My sweet bf and I know each other's number and we don't care. I figure we benefit from what we've learned.

Hubby and I know each other's number.

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