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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-) here lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.
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were having a party
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Ed, there isnt much wrong with the AB. given the power of making one change, it would be to allow us a colour change for out white background. allow us the oportunity to use the same colour`s we can...
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Dan Glebitts
Ed, i was just wondering which topic or section of Answerbank gets the most questions/answers and which gets the least. Not wanting you to get rid of any as they are all as important as each other but...
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Ok so who is scared of the new green names just incase they are some old ABers reincarnated? I'm a bit wary of them all now.
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Hi Ed, Is there anyway we can give star ratings to questions? I think there are some people who ask really good questions that promote some great answers (not just chatty threads or rude/funny...
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Anybody else had a problem getting the site to work properly? get another shilling in that metre Mrs Ed !!
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This is becoming my favourite section - LOVE all the rants - what does everyone else think?
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It is not exactly a secret thing like your credit card pin or the password to your e-mail account.It is no more private than your name.
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Is there any way of seeing how many questions someone has asked/answered in the same way you can see your own info?
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David H
Firstly thanks for using my personal profile suggestion some time ago. But as many members would like to know and we have to answer on monster threads, wouldn't it be easier to allow every member to...
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Hi Ed. Due to recent happenings in B&S, I was wondering about the possibility of creating a system that is able to detect potential "hate speech" in posts (similar to the way in which expletives...
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Is it just me?I have tried to post an answer to a Q, 5 times, but when I press submit I just get an error page each time. My interweb access has been super duper this morning so is it the AB server?
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on another a few others and i have decided on doing something nice for a stranger on fridays just something little like a compliment or smile. will the ED have a problem with us disscusing what we...
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ive just tried to post a question in sport and someone has knicked the yes please button to submit the question
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Its been nice knowing you. I will be back with a new name in a cupple of weeks. Zeus got too famous on here and I want to have an AB break and come back without a fanfare. Dunno how long it will b4...
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Posed a question on Home and Garden no submit button at the end
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May I suggest this site to you It is a similar site to this one it is quite good. I was given the link by a friend and on this site it takes only 30 seconds to register. Give it a...
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This would be a well-used new category - for all of us who just need to offload sometimes - you know - the time of the month, PMT, anger at other AB's, tittle-tattling, story-sharing, advice requsts...
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Will questions get answered straight away?

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