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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!Have you any nice pics to share?I caught this fella sheltering from...
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I reckon we should have little emoticons (you know those little faces with all the different expressions?) It would liven (<<< looks wrong but i don't know why lol) up the boards a bit more....
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H0merS1mps0n, better not. It'll only get pulled for being chatty. Is that sad or wot?
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PLEASE ANSWER I was just wondering, What are the changes happening to the answerbanak this year
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I see Eds' blog is up to date. The last entry was on 4th April. Ed must be busy!
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Is there a way to look at a persons profile ( not thier personal ) or maybe look at a list of questions from one particular person ? How about being able to see a history of answer ratings ?
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I would just like to say I really enjoy all of you.. I love winding down my day with answer bank. You all are so diverce and write so many interesting Q&A's. I guess I would just like to thank you...
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St. Jno says that no-one gets banned, but I've been banned lots of times. I think it's so unfair. I like everyone on here. It's not my fault if some folk don't have a sense of humor is it?
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Didn't know where to put this so here goes - this morning I had 41 answers to a question I posted and now I have 38 - why?
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There is ONLY one Dot Hawkes, isn`t there?
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Hello! Come on! Own up! Who objected to me and got me banned then? Just cos I told a joke?
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In reading the site rules and terms of service i see where divulging full name, address or phone number is prohibited. Email address is not specifically prohibited. Since there is no on-site...
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why is it that some ABer names are in green (e.g mine) and the others are in black. wud luv 2 no Lol
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Could we have a sin bin on AB ....a section where naughty ABers are put whilst they serve a ban for being too aggresive etc. It would be like being made to stand in the corner.
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Would it be possible/useful to allow users to edit their posted questions with updates and corrections, rather than having to post another question, or add an 'answer' to the original?
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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"> <TBODY> <TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"> <TD...
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Have many regular Answer Bank members ever had a dilemma as to which catagory a certain question should belong to? For example a question about a commercial advertising some food mistakenly ending up...
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Can we have music playing on Ab whilst we check out the Q in different topics? Like when we go into sport we could have the cricket theme or the skiing music, then when we go into film we could have...
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I would like to whole heartedly apologize for my question about wheteher anyone else liked strawberry cheesecake. It was removed so I therefore presume it was considered offensive. I just hope I have...
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Why not have a seperate topic about this site. We could talk about banned answers

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