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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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In case you miss it, Steve D has made a good suggestion regarding email addresses two questions below this. It would seem to make more sense than people posting email addresses publicly. Any chance of...
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Dear AB ed, Is it possible to return search queries by date order? I have noticed that results appear to be random, and would find it useful if they came back according to most recently posted. Anyone...
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How about a humor or joke section
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It'd be nice to see some Poll's on The Answerbank...I'm sure there used to be but now they've disappeared. Bring back our Polls! Please
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Why no slashes in the question index page? My question linked below looks ridiculous. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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Joe Shmoe
Dear AB Editor, Lately I have noticed quite a few questions about Radio. But there is no official section for this so users have to post their questions in the Film & TV section. I have a...
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Wishing you & your new husband a very happy life together Love Smudge -xx- 4.3.06
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Every time I type anything into the 'Search the site' box under any category, it reads 'No Search Results Found' & 'No Relevant Question Found'. I'm just about to email the Tech's with this...
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This has been raised before on many occasions. Is there any chance that these could be displayed in order of the date of last answer. It is so difficult to see when a thread has been added to. Am I...
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Have a wonderful day Lots of love Mummy & Daddy Smudge -xxxx-
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Have a look at the EDS Blog.(:)
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How about a new section enetitiled "What's that music?" It seems the Adverts and Film & TV sections (and perhaps others) are so full of this type of question that it deserves a category of its...
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Now everyone thinks...Floppy Discs...computers...but No......for us biddies who remember getting the Jackie magazine in the 70's.......and others....well who remembers those 45's you used to get for...
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just read on ab editors blog that email addresses are now allowed to be posted on ab . what do you think of this.
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Why when we are recognised, (direct or otherwise), do we have to go to the bottom of the page to get to our Q's & A's, could they not align themselves along the top or neatly at the side.
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Has time slowed down here in Scotland, or is Answerbank working 7 minutes in the future?My posts today (Saturday) are being timed roughly 7 minutes ahead of my computer's clock. I have checked that...
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I think you should have a politics and economics section in my humble opinion thanks a lot
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Rigid Dick
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to JOHN SMITH sssssssss all of you (Looks like Chatterbank re-instated)
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Subscribe used to work in that I got sent an email when a new answer appeared to any question I had subscribed to. Now it doesn't. How do I get this working again, please? After first submitting the...
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in my profile (well i have a few as it goes but this one is bugging me). It was from a week or so ago when I posted briefly about imposterers, someone was in two minds that it was me as i had asked...

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