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Eye Pressure

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CrazyBean | 21:48 Wed 14th Sep 2005 | Body & Soul
2 Answers

The optician informs me I have high pressure within my eyes and need to keep going regularly to have it checked.  (I'd gone for an eye test as was having recurrant migraines).  Didn't say whether or not this high pressure could be what is causing my headaches, any ideas anyone?



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Ask your optician what caused it and how it can be cured. I am sure you don't want to be loaded with bills for unnecessary visits.
Not only does a optician check your eyesight, he / she can virtually see into your brain. High blood pressure, diabeties and tumours are only a few things that can come to light on a routine check up.
Probably nothing to worry about but dont be frightened to ask. If it was really serious you woul d have been referred to a eye hospital.

Do you get alot of headaches? If so go back to your optition and get the answers you need.

My life was made a misery by headaches and migranes. If they can stop you getting them now why wait for the pressure to increase before they take any action?

I went to doctors and optitions and it wasnt until it started to affect my eyesight that anything was done about it. I had excess pressure in my eyes (mine was because I had too much fluid in my brain/spinal cord and it was leeking into my eyes via the optical nerve) They removed some of the excess fluid and gave me a course of diuretics.

Touch wood my headaches are completely gone-I cant remember the last time I had a migrane (I used to average 1 a week and had a headache daily) I know it sounds cheesy but it changed my life completely. You dont realise how much headaches affect your life until you stop having them!!

Good luck.

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