Our yellow paved patio slabs are black and grimy and covered with algae. Can anybody recommend a really effective liuqid patio cleaner? I don't want to power wash them again as previously using this...
There is a black soot like deposit on some of the leaves on two of my camelias, they are not next to each other. what is it and how do I get rid of it.? One of my camelias will not flower, why?
Hi, does any one know where I can get these floor tiles cheaper than the ?40 a box they are on this site..... http://www.harveymaria.co.uk/ I don't know if this link will go straight to the page I was...
I have had an offer accepted on a house in Edinburgh, which was built on a plot of land bought from a neighbour. But it turns out that the person who built the house did not stick to the original plot...
when we took wallpaper off last summer we found cracks near the ceiling. When we went outside we found similar cracks in the outside wall running down and to the right, following the bricks. We have...
I have found the orange version of chincherinchee in garden centres in Norfolk. I have brought it back to Devon with the hope of gowing it again the following season, but in spite of following...
I had a party over the weekend and and ashtray was spilt. I carefully picked up the cigarette ends and hoovered the ash up without scrubbing or rubbing it in. I still have a dull grey mark in my cream...
My fathers 520m pressure washer has ceased to function - when the trigger is released it is supposed to switch the motor on but doesn't - have bypassed the switch and the motor works but just ordinary...
What is the average cost of a one machine load of laundry done at 30 degrees, cold fill, regular programme cycle? Not worried about the cost of water involved just that of electric, detergent and...
machine fills up, begins to start then stops.the green 'end of cycle' begins to flash 11 times in each sequence. i'm lead to believe that this flashing indicates a fault and also identifies it. i...