Washing Machine in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Washing Machine

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J. Maslowski | 02:26 Sun 22nd May 2005 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
I recently had the hoses replaced on my washing machine & ever since, I can't get hot water from the hot-water cycle of the machine, only if I turn the dial to the cold water cycle.  I have checked the hoses at the back of the machine & they are not crossed.  Also, when I wash clothes on a warm wash, the water ends up being very hot.  I don't know what is going on, do you?
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The first thing to check is that the water is turned on to both hot and cold supplyies. Whoever changed the hoses may not have turned on the water back on to both hoses

If the machine only gets a cold water supply the machine heats the water to the required temperture.

Try swapping the hoses over.  I had similar problem and  although the hoses were correct to the machine they were the wrong way round at the supply.   

J Stephens

Question Author

To J. Stephens who answered my question about the washing machine hoses.  Thank you for the tip.  I think that is the answer, so I am going to switch the hoses around. 


J. Maslowski

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