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Toddler Hit By Car and People walk on by in China

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mountainboo | 08:05 Mon 24th Oct 2011 | News
45 Answers
My husband told me that he had seen a deeply distressing news story recently. Footage shows a 2 year old girl with her teddy bear walking alone on a busy road, shortly afterwards she is hit by a van which does not stop. Dozens of people see her but walk on by and leave her bleeding to death in the road. She finally gets taken to hospital where she dies the following day!!! How absolutely despicable. Where is the humanity?


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Apparently, people in China are scared of being accused of the one causing the accident if they acknowledge whats gone on around them. Disgusting behaviour, how anyone who walked past that poor child can live with themselves is beyond me :(
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I'm sorry but during our economic boom people would never have behaved this way here.
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I agree red. Hi by the way.
A difficulty one........the only response to that situation is to dial the emergency services. I suppose that one is talking about "comforting the child" as saving her life was clearly out of the question. Yes, perhaps one should have stayed with her.

I never stop at accidents as i would be scared of being sued or the subject of a trap........hidden in the bushes, accomplices who would rob me and "duff me up"

The first and last RTA that i stopped at to give advice was when a motorcyclist was knocked of his motorbike and was clearly I stooped and bent down to give help, an aggressive bystander pushed me aside and yelled "Get out of the way, I am a First aider"

I didn't argue, just got in my car and drove away.

But yes if it was a child, i would stop.
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I understand your point squad but none of the passers by even stopped to call the emergency services. I think the majority of us know not to touch someone who has been in a car accident due to possible head injuries etc but to offer our presence is just as helpful to them. If this is the moral state of China then it is a very very sorry state of affairs.
I am a trained First Aider but even without that knowledge my own conscience would never let me by-pass an accident where I thought I could possibly assist, even if the only thing I could do would be to reassure the patient and make that person comfortable.

I think any medically trained person that ignores an accident where their help could be of assistance really needs to look closely at their own moral values, it disgusts me.

I watched that video of that little girl, absolutely shocking, life has so little value in some of these countries.
I can't understand how anyone could do that, genuinely just can't get my head round it!
There's something fundamentally wrong in any society that allows this.
is it the chinese who usually abandon baby girls?
apparently it's not an uncommon scam in China for people who stop to help victims of accidents to then be sued for causing the accident in the first place. If that's true, you might well be wary.

jno, I learned of what you said when I was out last night, apparently tending to a child in a case such as this and taking the child to Hospital, means you are then responsible for that child's welfare and the money for the treatment the child would have to undergo, kind of despicable in the 21st century I would say, but then it isn't a democracy like we have
But this is a child,s life we are talking about, I could not walk on by!
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It's called the Peng Yu effect in Chine following a case several years back where a man named Peng Yu helped an old lady to hospital following an accident and subsequently a judge ruled that for a person to help the lady they must be responsible for causing the accident so Peng Yu was successfully sued by the lady even for doing nothing more than helping her.

This case set a precedent in China and now people won't help others because in doing so they are (in the eyes of the law) admitting being the cause of the accident.

It's a totally stupid situation!
well, compare it with the way people in Britain refuse to give money to beggars because they've been assured by the tabloids that they're all really millionaires with a Merc round the corner. That's tough on the genuinely needy, but people would sooner keep their money than risk being scammed for sixpence.
Am I being racist by by saying the Chinese are an absolutely disgusting race of people, bordering on the fringes of inhumanity?

If I am, I had better not say it.
jno, but that beggar should he collapse, would be immediately attended to and rushed to a nearby hospital and entitled to treatment without getting a huge bill at the end of it, not left dying in the street.
That's the point ratter.

If said beggar's medical bills were going to come out of your pocket- would you be so willing to help?
People in this country won't tend to an injured child because of the liklehood of being accused of being a paedophile and then suffering trial by media so they leave well enough alone.
Yes ratter, you are.

To insult and condemn an entire race of people based on the actions of a few in one incident is the very definition of racism.

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