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That's The Way To Do It.

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gulliver1 | 15:01 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | News
12 Answers

The newly elected Labour Govt are to spend £15m into deportation deals sending boat migrants back to their own countries including. Albania,Bangladash,Ethiopia,Ghana,India,Iraq,Jamacia,         Nigeria,Pakistan,Vietnam,and Zimbabwe. Well done Labour.



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not france then

let's see them try. the money grabbing lawyers will keep the potential deportees here pending a neverendum of legal challenges and appeals, and if they ever get anyone on a plane, either the airline staff will refuse to take them, or the other passengers will mutiny preventing it taking off.

No word on how they intend to stop them coming here then?

And to think I thought that Labour's idea was not to let them into the country in the first place.  That is what they said before the election anyway.  Must have flip flopped again.  How strange for them to do that.

And the Government will know exactly which country they came from, they will they be wearing little badges telling us.

Hot air from Gulliver1 ....... again !!!

This was happening before Labour came into office- we already  had deals with this countries. The problem is that they represent a tiny fraction of illegal migrants; many often  claim to be from elsewhere where there are no agreements or refuse to say.

But let's see whether the boats stop coming

Old news Gully. Already being done. There is only one way for success and that is to get Macron onside and simply take back those who cross. If they know that they will be on the first ferry back they would not try.  Simples.

Great news I hope it works but I suspect they are about to find out how easy it isn't.

stop the benefits,no reason to be here then

no one is going anywhere, id love to have a live feed of it taking off and a head count of all the illegals on it.

Already put in place by the TINO's.  Suella started it and was deporting people on the quiet.

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