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gulliver1 | 15:33 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | News
16 Answers

Nadhim Zahawi..The former Tory Party chairman who was sacked after an HMRC probe into his tax affairs is disgusted that a homeless person was found sleeping rough on a pavement in Mayfair.He has taken a picture of the rough sleeper and posted it on social media complaining to the Mayor of London saying I have just walked past this and it  should not be allowed in Mayfair.



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Just swaying a little off topic. I think it's ironic that Starmer sacked Zahawi for fiddling his tax return when Starmers own wife was depriving HMRC of a huge amount of money by declaring herself as a Non Dom.

I think you're getting confused again Gulliver.  It must be all the excitement.

He tweeted "This is now in Mayfair, just walked passed. what is going on ⁦


⁩ this can’t be right."

Perhaps you think homelessness is a good thing and should be something to congratulate the Mayor for?

Here's a link - I just use copy then Ctrl  V  you may want to teach yourself how to do it

And no, I don't like or support this dodgy politician.

So yet again the subject of your post didn't  actually say what you claim he said, Gulliver.  There's a surprise!

seems to be a recurring theme with the dark blue end of the monopoly board - this encampment has been dismantled several times in the past, but just keeps coming back

Starmer &Sunak- easily confused. PMSL as someone once said

You'd think Zahawi would know the difference between passed and past, but maybe he was in a hurry.

Hi Gullz welcome back. was it.... cold on the naughty step?

well he is a syrian arab kurd I think , so he will have seen enough of that there

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15.43 Sunak

-- answer removed --

As gulliver can't tell one PM from another I have come to the conclusion that he doesn't care which one is in as long as they get us back in the EU.

The question then remains why does gulliver want us back in the EU so desperately? If, as he has stated, he doesn't live here, then it doesn't affect him either way.

^ It's because it would annoy TTT and some others on here.


"It's because it would annoy TTT and some others on here."

Ah, trolling at its best.

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Nimby..thank You.

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