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Why Don't They Just Stop The £11.6Bn To Foreigners For "Climate Change"

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ToraToraTora | 22:00 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | News
6 Answers

instead of all this thrashing about for pocket change?

...can someone tell the chancellor that rich non doms can leave the country very easily and this idea willl actually cost £1bn.



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No-one will listen TTT.  'Net Zero' is the new God before whom all must be sacrificed - except those needed to govern the country and ensure that the target is met, naturally.  Besides, all pensioners are wealthy remember - except those on benefits.

Non doms can come and go. They shouldn't dictate government policy. If there's money to be made here someone will go for it.


As for climate change, it is clearly happening, and the morality that says those better off should contribute most to sorting the nation's economy is the same morality that better off nations should lead in trying to minimise the affects on the human race. Particularly persuasive for nations that contributed and benefitted most from industry following the industrial revolution that strongly appears to be the cause of much of the problem. The only real debate should be the details of everyone's budget, what can be allocated where, what can't, and by whom.

//As for climate change, it is clearly happening//

Er yes, and bears do poo in the woods.  It'sm happened since the dawn of time and will continue whether we burn fossil fuels or not.

//They shouldn't dictate government policy. If there's money to be made here someone will go for it.//

A very naive lefty view that in truth is totally wrong. The rich go to make money where it is easiest to to.  If you have punitive taxes and/or tons of red tape they simply go elsewhere.  Yes, someone may take up the slack but it wont be anywhere near the scale.

And once you have scared off the rich then taxes have to rise for the remaining people and guess what suddenly there is no spare cash and the economy tanks.  

It has happened many times around the World but the far left still cant see it.

the 11 Bn is a joke, most of it will end up buying V12 Rollers!

If all the presently rich go elsewhere they'll find too much competition. No opportunity is likely to be ignored.

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