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That's The Way To Do It......

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ToraToraTora | 10:13 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | News
46 Answers

Islamification is becomming an issue all over Europe and I applaud the way this Mayor is dealing with it.

Of course by not giving in to TROP this woman is getting death threats. When are we going to wake up?



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"What do you suggest we do to stop white people being in the minority NJ?"Too late. That horse has long since bolted."...none of them? not a single one? are you sure?"No of course I'm not sure that not a single one does. It was a generality. Rather like saying English people do not play baseball. Yes, I know a few do (so please don’t post me a link) but it’s very much a...
12:36 Sun 08th Sep 2024
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Yes but read into it, it's not really about cricket it's about the Islamification of an Italian town.

are you in favour of a cricket ban as a means of "stopping islamification" in this town? if so then why?

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Again nothing to do with cricket. The ban is incidental. I couldn't care less whether they ban cricket or not. I can look deeper into the real issue, islamification, that's what must be stopped.

is the cricket ban "the way to do it" or not? you appear to be confused

what is "islamic" about cricket?

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ah I see what's going on now! I used that heading because at the time I was unsure what was allowed in news. You may remember the debacle the other day. That heading was allowed for another user so I adopted it. Cricket is irrelevant to the real point and that is Islamification, you know that thing that the lefties in the country cannot see.

ok. I'm at a loss now lol. 

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