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Go For It Angie.

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gulliver1 | 18:43 Sat 14th Dec 2024 | News
13 Answers

Angela Rayner TGL is to move into, Sir Winston Churchhill's former Westminster home, Admiralaty House, so she can give up her rented flat and  enable her to live closer to her work at Downing St .Well done Angela you deserve a bit of LUX..Go for it.



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Gulliver, you appear to idolise KS and AR. What is your opinion about the Southport cover-up? I previously asked but got no answer.

With regard to AR moving into Sir Winston Churchill's former home, could there be a bigger insult to the memory of a political giant?

using a flat once occupied by WSC isnt necessarily LUX

it  is to avoid the hanky panky over the second home

and so,  since the Labs are always caught with their hands in the till ( my dear late Papa) - seems sensible

What is your opinion about the Southport cover-up? 

err ?

there is no cover up: they tried to burn down a building

anyway the choice did not involvr a burnt out flat in Southport did it?

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Winston Churchhill lived at Admiralty House while serving as First sea Lord and now it is going to be occupied by The Deputy Prime Minister of TGLP..Well done Angela .

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And of course Admiralty House was also used by Ms Rayners predecessor TG John Prescott .

Good   for her.  It's far better that  these places are occupied rather than fall into disrepair through mould and damp.

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Britain  has been given back to the people who built it, and fought for it ,and chucked the scrounging Tory leaches out at last.. Go for it Labour make Britain great again.

She's moved in to one of the three ministerial apartments. Many people have lived there since Churchill. 

Don't you mean 'leech'? 

Britain has been given back to the people who built it and fought for it?   Well that's not the embarrassment  that is Angela Rayner is it!  Good grief!

Someone once sang 'you don't have to be in the army to fight in the war'.

Why it is that Starmer and Rayner remind me of the National Lampoons?

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Do you know the answer?

Go For It Angie.

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