News2 mins ago
Brexit. The Truth Is Finally Out.
Eight years after kneecapping the economy with Brexiteers crowing "You lost get over it" The Cons have admitted Brexit was a big mistake and an act of wilful negligence by a govt that dragged Britain out of its most important trading relationship before they had any idea at all for growth outside of the EU .The Tories hadn't even got a plan B.They were just a Govt trying to catch itself up as it went along.
Any Conservative who said such a thing would clearly have recently lost their mind, given how obviously untrue it is.
However all I've come across are individuals who rightfully say that the most hasn't been made of our escape, and that the agreement the government was forced to agree to in order to avoid "no deal" was far from ideal (or indeed workable).
Their issue though is that for much of the time since, they were in charge and failed to trigger rediscussion of the "agreement". Not that the present government is doing better; quite the reverse in fact.
Gulliver's making things up again. I bet he can't provide a link that says they admit it was BIG mistake. And what Kemi actiually said was
I will acknowledge the Conservative Party made mistakes. We announced that we would leave the European Union before we had a plan for growth outside the EU.
You retyped it (shame you still can't use copy and paste) from the Guardian but missed the point that the sentence Brexit was an act of wilful negligence by a government that dragged Britain out of its most important trading relationship was not a quote from Kemi... it was the Guardian's statement.
Comedy gold.
Does gulliver also agree with her that "Labour are having even worse problems than we did, because they announced policy without a plan. Policies without a plan are not policies, they're just announcements."
Or do you only agree with her on the bits (after twisting them) that fit with your tunnel visioned view?