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Lammy's At It Now......

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ToraToraTora | 10:19 Mon 20th Jan 2025 | News
16 Answers

I'd have more respect for them if they stuck to their original opinions. All this toadying about is embarassing.



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Pathetic but It won't wash.  Trump has a long memory.

Lammy's also issued "warnings" about the Gaza ceasefire. Jumped up twerp.

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Strange really.

Not that long ago Mr Lammy referred to the incoming President as a "neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath".

Amazing what a second helping of chicken can do.

Many of the current bunch of people occupying the senior posts in the  UK government - up to and including the Prime Minister -  seem not have learned the lessons they should have grasped once they grew up and no longer knew everything. That is, since you never know who you will encounter during your working life or what positions they might hold, it's best not to go out of your way to upset or insult them.

Mr Lammy is fortunate that Mr Trump is not as idiotic as he is.

NJ ^^ In a nutshell, as my Granny once told me a long time ago, "Always be polite to people on your way up, because you never know what you may need if you're ever on your way down! "


It's brilliant, Starmer and now Lammy squirming - and The Donald isnt even President yet!

It's gonna get a whole lot worse for them.

Drill baby drill.


What a strange person David Lammy is.  If he's not voting to invade Iraq, he's actually calling the President of America (someone who has never invaded another country by the way) a neonazi...  And now he's lovebombing the Donald.  FLIP FLOP

He knows The Donald and crew are coming for him and its not going to be pretty, I expect fear is settng in; the lardy lump might have to actually do something to earn his pie money.

Angela Rayner


Some weird justifications for Trump here by people who should know better. He may not have invaded another country -yet - but did attempt to overthrow the rule of law in his own with violent conseqeuences. And does he respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine and Greenland and Canada?

Not defending Lammy at all, but is he really a stranger person than Trump?

Anybody who embarks on a life in politics is strange. I's a very strange thing to do.

JDavis // And does he respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine and Greenland and Canada?//

Wht do you mean by territorial integrity ?  (Crimea has been Russian since Catherine the Great)

Greenland he would like to buy - what's wrong with that? 

He Knows full well that Canada is a sovereign country, but he's peed off with them allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to cross the border into America - wouldn't you be?

As nauseating as it is, anyone that's going to have to work with him has no choice but to be a toady.

The only way you get anything from a narcissist is by singing their praises.

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