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Phrases & Sayings

Welcome To Phrases & Sayings where it is what you say and how you say it that is important.

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what is the origin
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who uttered these immortal words (I don't think!) 'replace abject misery with common unappiness' As far as our tutor knows it isn't Freud so who is it?
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does anyone know what the saying "building castles in the sky" means, does it mean trying to attain too much, or similar? thanks in advance.
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i dont know how you would spell it but is 'blechty' a slang word meaning not nice or disgusting?
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If my mother in law sees a person with untidy hair she says 'you look like a wiffling goffling' Can anybody tell me if this is a true saying or has anyone heard this saying before?
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why is Friday the 13th supposed to be unlucky, where did this come from?
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who said this "that government is the best that governs the least "
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what is that saying that says something like acceptance is the first step to something, or something like that i cant remember??
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well, not really a problem as such, but does anyone else see a word, know how it is pronounced - but still thinks of it in the way its spelt - or perhaps the way you read it when you very first came...
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What does al-Qa'eda Mean?
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why do some hotels ect in usa dont have them
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Coming down the pike Coming down the pipe
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who said "that government is the best that governs the least"?
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In Army terms, what does the expression 'seeking a commission' mean?
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What does B of A F F T? stand for proverb acronym?
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Where & how did women get to be called "birds?"
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what was the show where the mother in it referred to her son as my cliffy or cliffy babe
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Where is the virgin tropical island of Buka? Where is Anatolia? Where is Ulster? Where is jutland? Where are the Tyrolean Alps? Sorry, but there is no listing for Geography in 'answerbank'.
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What does u2026 mean and where does it originate . Whenever I have seen it used it seems to suggest absolute surety or certainty. Thank you in advance for any help.
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What is Galapagos? What is mastodon? Appreciate any help.

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