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Which archaic word means 'asunder'. (6) ?t?a?n. any helpers please...
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13a a booster for some now if iget connected?(4or 2-2) ?i-?i
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15 letters. Displace gun, collide with mat, then shortly take in charge friend using bad language. ?B?R?M?A?I?A?L? 7 letters. Refuses to assent with things. ?N?E?T?...
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I think i may have got some errors in this puzzle I have the shaded word and i still have 2 unclued light left any hints very welcome 10 down i have D?s?o?c?i?e but i am unsure if it is two words or...
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Thanks for your encouragement, Neveracrossword! I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! Am I right in matching the following? 34 /21 9 / 35 28/ 31 26 / Still somewhat in the dark concerning...
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I found this a real struggle even with the shaded defintiion word. Is there a word Embrave at 27 across Woman pinches my underwear to get gorgeous for poet? (7)...
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10a Tory hen upsets village near insch (anagram) (7) r-t-n-y 21d no voter turns up to village near Irvine (anagram) (7) o---t-n 27d Ariel stirs up Bressay ness and voe (anagram) (5) l-I-a 28a chap in...
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i cannot understand the answer especially the French words, it is from today's Guardian, 14 14across Head of Governments a French bird almost mange par mauvais chat (9) the answer is Taoiseach but...
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7a Surprises wife, lurking in recessed place in field (4) W-W- This must be WOWS, but I can't parse the whole clue. Many thanks...
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This country is smart. This is especially noticed at Christmas (6,6)...
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last one-please parse 6d a sum raised in america for st jude 9 T?A?D?E?S-can only find twaddlers which has wad=sum but cant see the rest thanks...
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Talk at the end of what sounds like a victory for our feathered friends (8)
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help please 1a like blooms left by the girl at bly 6 ?I?R?? 5a spiel by geordie egoist,willoughby 8 9a part of a cake she's offered as a tournament prize 8 ?V?E???? 11a for catherine,her beheading...
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17d. never again with ex. ?N?/t?m/
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Person who speaks or writes aimlessly (7) waffler or rambler ?
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20a. superfluous material adding weight to bear. ?a???n??n. 5d. crush old chester say. ???a?t???
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24a Very experienced army walk away from front (4) -R-- This must be (M) ARCH, but why 'Very experienced'? Many thanks...
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14a: Finish the pole, splicing on old man - of - war. 4 words. 4/2/3/4 letter words. ?h?p and ?f and ?h? and??n? 11a: Bottom lady losing a rook. 5 letters. ??d?r...
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14A Dish argument involving second part (9) 14D Feature of portico ruins a London church externally (9) 23A Work with Auntie briefly developing succulent (7) 24A U.S. resort's role in Shakespeare...
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1d restrain revolutionary in ranks ?I???? 10a put abrupt end to pause not up to usual standard ???A?,OFF Thankd...

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