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Only stuck on three this week I hope! 14d "dog happy about getting lead" 3 letters p?? 17a "biting witticism by a man" 7 letters ????e?t 18d "Zip line for a tennis player" 5 letters ??d?l Look forward...
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4d. Tennis Court boundaries (9)?i?e?i?e? 12d.Tropical evergreen tree(10)b?e??????t. Many thanks...
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24a because of (4) f??? 20d pinpointing (8) ???a?ing..thanks
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Thank you very much to Sam1960 and fiction-factory for your quick replies to my question, much appreciated.
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08a Waste time with a daft run or jogging (4,6) ?a?t ?r?u?d Thanking you...
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NEW MAG. ISSUE 881 Hi, can anyone help me with an anagram of a singers name - RSONARLAAZS...
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2dn split personality looks right into winter outdoor wear (5) C?O?T [is it croft]?? 26ac I interrupt great American dreamer, initially covering cereal production (4) M?L?...
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Two clues: 2. Wrap up and conceal features round mouth (6) 32. Misdemeanant wants this snack to be served up by inns before end of August (7) I have added the same letter in perimeter. My knowledge of...
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gold comes from the old English word "gelou" which means what? what a sticker! many thanks ginger/blue...
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18a Polish horse associated with The Queen and a man of note? I have ?O?E?GER which was baffling until it came to me that it may be polish not Polish, yielding hone=polish thus HONEGGER a man of...
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1a Boris source, describing downfall - "brilliant" (6) B?O?N? 8a Waste time with a daft run or jogging (4, 6) ???T ?R?U?D Thanks....
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11a Game for it, as everyone initially could be unmasked for it? (6) C?u?d?
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Reagan, for example, occupying seat of power, 32a. It looks like throne but I can't parse the clue to fit. Can anyone help please....
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1a 1980's synth-pop band ??? OF ?o?S? Thank you all in advance...
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Has anyone got the cities in today's daily mail competition? Had the paper delivered but husband thought he would help doing the potatoes and used it.thanks if anyone has these.I know this page is...
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8A: Isn't it half eight for you, we hear, to come out ? (4) ?o?r I think that it is a word that sounds like four ( half eight)...
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I've got o_ a_d___s. Got any ideas?...
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if anyone can put up grid I'd be ver grateful-library's shut!
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Hi there I am stuck on the last 3 clues. 3d Dug into Scots gouge! (Anag) (5) g-d_e 23a Scots word for hooks latches salmon gaffs or children's toys (6) c--ek- 33a Dark link turns up in villages near...

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