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Is Uber Safe

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smurfchops | 18:21 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Technology
7 Answers

Thinking of putting it on my phone for mini cabs, is it safe to give them my credit card details, how reasonable are their prices?  Is it easy to use?? 



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It's as safe as any taxi firm, very easy to use their app, and they've always come in cheapest for us. We always use them when we need a taxi.

We use them a lot, no problem.  

When you order make sure you are ready, sometimes they will be there in mins

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Just wary about giving my credit card details...

"With Uber, data encryption is built directly into the app so it can't be stolen from your account. That means when you enter your credit card information into the app, you're the last person to see it – it can't be stolen even if someone gets into your account.",someone%20gets%20into%20your%20account.

Giving your card details to Uber is no riskier than giving them to Amazon, eBay or Tesco.  Uber is a major international business, providing 28 million trips per day.  So they're certainly not going to risk their reputation through having poor security on their app.

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Thanks all x

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Is Uber Safe

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