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Losing That Weight

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Bazile | 12:06 Mon 04th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
How is the first day of you diet going ?


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Not good Bazile, I've just opened some liqueurs I left in work before I finished for Christmas :0?

It's the 3rd day of mine (enjoyed New Years Day) a stone off by the 22nd ready for a minor Op. on 23rd. Don't really need to but with a GA involved it won't do any harm.
Brilliant because I'm not on one :-)
Just had a bacon, chicken, smoked cheese and jalapeño sarnie ... The diet is going magnificently well!
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Well , i've decided that this is the first day of mine ( despite the little voice in my head telling me ''there is no rush - start it next monday '' ) :-)
How much weight do you have to lose, Baz?
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I'd like to lose 3 stones

Baz, fit a 40min + brisk walk into your day if you can, it really does help.
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Baldric- I indeed will be doing some brisk walking when it gets a bit warmer / drier .

There is a park near me - i'll be doing a few circuits
The Christmas gluttony saw my diet falter and I've put on 2.5 lbs. But it's back to porridge today and my target of losing 4 St is back in my sights.
Just finished lunch, 2 cheeses on toast!!!!! Mind you I had no brekkie.
Don't know, not starting till tomorrow !
12 hrs in and I'm chewing chair
Good thanks Bazile. I had a really good day and feel half a stone lighter already! Obviously I am not, but I do feel better for eating lighter meals today and avoiding the bad stuff!
Well I've watched Hairy Dieters and Food Uncovered diet edition. Does that count ?

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Losing That Weight

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