My son fainted in the shower on Thursday last week, after not feeling well for a few days. Saw the doctor who thought it might be a virus. He had a fasting blood test the following day, results not due until Friday. He was off work Thus/Fri. Has gone back to work but still feels unwell, hot,clammy and headaches. His urine is dark brown and his eyes are a bit yellow. He says he will wait for the blood test results as he does not want to 'bother' the doctor. What do you think, please?
Forgive me for not asking earlier. Did you get anywhere in trying to chivvy up pathology for results. How is your son. Has he stayed off work now?
I know you are rightfully concerned but I meant to say that my older sister (71 years) taught in Canada for fourty years. She contracted Hepatitis. I really can't remember if it was A or B. She made a very quick recovery and we celebrated her 70th here last Christmas 2014. Would you believe they think it came about as a result of a paper cut on her finger at High School were she taught. Chin up. Let us know soon the results.
Thanks for asking Retro. He rang the surgery and they said no chance of results before Friday, so we will just have to wait and see I'm afraid. He is at work, being a teacher makes it difficult to take time off especially as there is no diagnosis and therefore no certificate. His eyes are not yellow now so let's hope it is just a virus of some sort and nothing more sinister. Will let you know.
If,big if,it was Hep A then it would be in his best interest and the schools to keep him off work until the results are back.Mrs retro suggested that he can go self certificated sick for a week?
The biggest shock on moving to Switzerland was the doctors here having a blood testing machine in the surgery.
Turn up , check in with receptionist , she takes blood sample and pops into machine. Wait 15 minutes and doctor has results on computer when he sees you. This then assists with diagnosis.
Son just back from the doctor. Results revealed a slightly low liver function, probably as a result of a virus, and mild anaemia. Seems to think it's nothing to worry about but wants him to go back in two weeks for another blood test to check that it's left his system. Thanks for your help.
Yes it is a relief Seekez. He is rarely unwell, in fact this was the first time he has had time of (2days) since he started work 14 years ago!
Sqad, as I said thanks for your help. He is feeling a lot better now and has gone back to work father the doctors appointment.