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AR glasses coating

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dustybin | 13:41 Tue 17th Feb 2004 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
How do I know if I have accidently remove the AR coating on my glasses? I recently used a glass cleaner not intended for use with spectacles and I am worried I have ruined them


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If you look closely, you will see that it looks "cracked" like crazy paving, if this is the case, then you can go back to your opticians to have it removed and recoated. If it doesn't then it is hardly likely that you have removed the coating completely as it is quite hard wearing and would not completely come off just by cleaning. Visit your opticians and they will look at it for you :o)
PS. Also, it goes without saying that with an AR Coating, please only use a cleaner that the Optician recommends and never use Fairy Liquid or such like as these are abrasive and will scratch :o)
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Thanks, Paul B - this is very helpful and I didn't think anyone would be able to answer!
LOL, I used to be store manager at Vision Express! I like it when questions about eyes/glasses and contact lenses come up ;o)

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AR glasses coating

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