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Gen23 | 17:06 Thu 16th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
If the person caused the coronavirus on purpose would you volunteer to kill the person who caused the illness


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No I wdnt
nor wd I tear his fingernails out
stick dynamite in various orifices and light it
give him cyanide
beat him within an inch of his worfless life
run him over than THEN reverse over him !
throw my cat or wife at him - gor you should see my wife !
And don't release him until the busses have stopped running so he would have to walk home..
I'd shake him firmly by the hand and congratulate his on being a scientific genius.
No, I'd put a contract out on him!
yeah cut his hands off so he cant shake and infect people and reassure him:
the muslims wd do worse so he is lucky !
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