Perhaps (as MM hints) it has a satay vibe?
Bit like my "Turkey in chocolate sauce"...which is actually a Mexican-style tomato and chilli sauce with some cocoa in it. Excellent too.
My bbc recipe is a bit different to that one mamy, no tinned toms in it or fresh ginger or garam masala. But it does have soy sauce and lime juice. Mines prob not as tasty :/
Oh well, it’s an easy peasy recipe so we shall see.
Ginge, we’ve had chocolate chicken which people imagine to be bleurghhh, but it uses cocoa powder, not dairy milk :)
Tilly, the recipe I used wasn’t the one mamy posted.
The one I used had 14 five star ratings.
It was very creamy but could have done with a bit more chilli in it. I only had frozen chopped chilli and wasn’t sure how hot, or not, that would make it.
We smacked our lips over it and there’s some left over to go in the freezer for another day.