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Things That Make You Feel Faint

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tiggerblue10 | 14:17 Sat 08th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
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Scary. I sent this to my mum, a nervous passenger lol...
Looking at the energy bill.
That's er...not real, Pixie.

I don't know how Asians travel on some of their so called roads.
Made me feel ill. I don't 'do' heights.
"Hang on a minute, lads. I've got a great idea."
Things that make me feel faint. Face/tongue piercings.
Ear stretchers.
I'm not sure about faint...more like ill. *shudder*
Actually not fainting for me either, but weird sensations and wobbly knees. I can't look at people with facial piercings to talk to them. It may seem rude to them, but I just cant. I can cope with pierced ears, although I would never have them. I'm not an earing person anyway.

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