The songs listed are part of the list of hundreds of songs, and of course entire TV shows, that would not be suitable for airing today, because times have changed.
What irks me is, that instead of accepting that they are part of our cultural history, and should be viewed and heard in that context, the 'woke' brigade want them air-brushed from existence.
The entire point of any history, including cultural history, is to look at where we came from, in order to assess where we are, and where we are going, and that is not helped my Nazi style censorship.
The re-writing of the Roald Dahl stories is cultural destruction.
Children are capable of grasping moral messages written in terms they understand and relate to, without having them turned into adult language beyond their comprehension.
Context is everything - that is what should be underlined, not hiding something away, or pretending id never happened, as though it is shameful.