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Rishi Sunak Rules Out Holding A General Election In May

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naomi24 | 09:58 Fri 15th Mar 2024 | News
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That's a shame. I could do with some excitement.

It was never going to be May anyway. Just Sir Beer and co getting all excited.

As I said back a wee while it made no sense for a May election.

In the throes of an administration ending the incumbents usually choose the most opportune moment to go to the country. IMV it's not going to get any better for the Tories in the coming months & could get worse so they may as well try in May.

It'll be October the week before the clocks go back.

I predict Oct 17th

It is said a week is a long term in Politics so 6 monts or more is an eternity.

Who knows what will happen in the coming months, as you say they are not in a good position so if I were them I would hang on and hope the economy improved or the boat people stopped or decreased.  Or of course that SKS and his bunch did something daft.

As I said before I think an Autumn election is most likely, that is when most people have returned from their hols and the weather is still half decent so you get a better turnout.

A full year of stagnation it is then while all of us just sit waiting for the government to finally go. what an utter waste. beneath contempt. 

YMB @ 10. 31 "Hang on and hope the economy improved or the boat  people stopped or decreased.    Not a hope in hell of either happening call the election anytime.🤣   They will still lose🤣

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