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Liz's Quizzes 54

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tearinghair | 19:47 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

Died on 17th May 1947 (3,7). To rhyme with brisket. Have looked everywhere for this.



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The racehorse, Sea Biscuit.

My birthday, not that year though.

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Thank you very much. I'd thought it might be something other than a person (as in 'the day the music died') but wouldn't have thought of an animal. I did think that Seabiscuit was one word, though.

It is the one word but maybe the setter thought otherwise?

The name of the horse is one word but the edible version is two words and hyphenated.

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Liz's Quizzes 54

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