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Recent Attacks On Labour

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Hymie | 23:44 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
2 Answers

There have been many threads on AB critical of Labour, echoing and amplifying the right-wing press’s nonsense attacks (which will no doubt continue).


If you want to know how things really are – take a listen to supertanskiii.


I appreciate many of you won’t bother, having been brainwashed by the right-ring press into believing only the corrupt/incompetent Tories should be trusted with running the country – but at least you would be more informed.




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Which of the attacks have been nonsense?

Wake up Hymie. Looking around the MSM tonight, I find a surprising amount of the normally 'left' commentators are becoming increasingly critical and unsupportive of this government.

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Recent Attacks On Labour

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