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How Is This Islamophobic?.....It's What Happened.

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ToraToraTora | 18:37 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | News
50 Answers

How can it possibly be any sort of "..ophobic" merely to remind people of what happened?



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The IRA aren't 'like-minded' terrorists.  Islam's political philosophy is like no other.

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11:45 it does no harm to remind people. Is it Islamophobic when they replay the 9/11 attrocities?

Is it Islamphobic to make and show the film discussed here?


NAOMI, I meant -"like-minded" as in supporting similar objectives of the IRA.

Islam's objectives aren't even similar, Corby.  


I wasn't comparing objectives but both groups involve the use of terrorism with the aim of reaching those different objectives. 

Corby, I see what you're saying but Islam uses other means too  - attaining high office is one.

There are those in high office supporting a united Ireland but it doesn't mean they support terrorist actions to achieve that objective.

Some choose to be politicians rather than terrortists - but the goal is the same.

-- answer removed --

TTT,  The language you used in describing another member was highly derogatory and that isn't acceptable.  This is an emotive topic but please watch your language.

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