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Crane Flies - Daddy Long Legs

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naomi24 | 12:30 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Is anyone else inundated with these things?  Every time we open a door or window they flock in in droves.  I don't recall this ever happening before. 



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Normal in Sep/Oct I think. On a different note,my Husband has taken over my Account temporarly,hope this is OK. I am assuming you are a Moderator. Thank You.

Annual event - harmless creatures.

Normally they emerge after heavy rain has softened the ground.

Not at the moment here though often at this time of year yes.  I had a memory pop up on Facebook yesterday where I'd  posted this time last year about sharing my living room with 10 of the blighters.

Yes they are a pest! 😁

I was always told they spread viruses, colds/ flu. ?

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I've never known as many as this.  The odd one or two, yes, but these are relentless.


Dukedelorca, as far as I'm aware you haven't transgressed Site Rules.  I will, however, notify the editors of your query.  If you don't hear from them I think it's safe to assume they're happy with your arrangement.  

You can find information on mods in Editor's Blog.

None here, so far

Same here. And yesterday I entered an event which involved a quick bag search. The security officer had a crane fly sitting fair and square on his hi vis pocket. When I pointed it out, he was so distracted showing his mates that I could have smuggled a sack full of booze or ammo in to the venue!

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Crane Flies - Daddy Long Legs

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