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Just Stop Oil Stopped

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douglas9401 | 14:38 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | News
11 Answers

Far be it from me to criticise the outpourings of experts and judges but to the layman they do seem to get carried away with their estimate figures.

And finally, shoulda used Campbells in a nod to being famous for 15 minutes.



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just stop oil poured soup over 'Flowers' because it was an OIL painting ! haw haw haw

Nay a dree ee in the hoose!


because it was an oil painting, mmm poppy seed oil was used and not crude oil lol.


This version of Sunflowers is part of the National Gallery's Van Gogh: Poets and Lovers exhibition, which includes paintings and drawings from galleries in the US, Europe, and Japan, in private collections.


Under this Starmer government, she'll be out in a fortnight.

maybe ed milipede will send her a gift of paint by numbers..

I wonder if their rich upper-class parents(momsie and popsie)will be making a statement about how these two toffee-nosed gits are totally innocent?

Under this Starmer government, she'll be out in a fortnight.

no or yes 20 months so she will have to do some porridge. Not many like it. One con said " it will be OK. I will become whie muscle for a muslim drugs gang" - oo-er Mr. I said I think I will take my dog for a walk

how these two toffee-nosed gits are totally innocent?

no -  the accused said she wd bear her sentence wivva smile

now Gandhi ( and I note she didnt do this) used to argue for the max sentence - he had broken the ( salt) law intentionally so deserved the max poonie

Now since it  is in the news GMC refuses rape investigation

One stoppo oil was convicted and found as an MB up before the GMC ( conviction alone is a reason to appear). She said - absolutely nothing to do with the GMC this  is political - cant rmember what  the determination was .

talk about the doctors regulator having an eye on the barl

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Just Stop Oil Stopped

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