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Which One?

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abbeylee90 | 19:26 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | Shopping & Style
20 Answers

Honest opinion. 

I've had mixed opinions



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What's the occasion this time.

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The blue and black one, skinny jeans, boots and jacket 


Top left.

Either blue one but probably top left. I think the model on that one looks quite like you and it looks fine on her.

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Looks like me?

Well as we imagine how you look.

Top left, as far as I am concerned.  Definitely the best of the lot.

Top Left.

Black/blue or green.

The spotty one - makes me think of Bet Lynch from Coronation Street. 

The blue/orange one looks like pyjamas.

Abbey, why don't you just wear what YOU like? 


Not again ...

Green, Abbey!

Top left from me too.  The other top blue one would be OK if it had proper sleeves, but I suppose it gives your armpits a good airing which may be an advantage in a very warm environment.

Have you got all those?

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Yes but not keeping 

Go with plain and then you can dress it up with statement jewellery or a scarf or a belt and then dress it down for interviews.

I like top left myself - again with black trousers or jeans.  Abbey, how are you affording buying these?

Seriously, I've stopped buying anything (loss of Winter Fuel Allowance will hit us hard)but it's easy enough to manage with what you have for a while if you change accessories.

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