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Boris Nails His Colours To The Mast

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Khandro | 15:09 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | News
35 Answers

To the detractors of Boris Johnson I ask; Could any former British PM other than Churchill himself (Thatcher would concur, but she couldn't write.) produce such a clear and unequivocal article ?



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I would have backed you on this khandro. You don't have so many supporters that you can afford to alienate them.

TTT, she wasn't especially renowned for her literary prowess.  She just wasn't.  Keep your hair on.

It is not really an insult, it is his opinion.

Lady Thatcher was extremely quick witted and razor sharp on her feet which is something that Boris is not.  Boris is good on paper though.  I do not think Khandro was intending this as an insult to Lady T.

It is not really an insult, it is his opinion.

cant they be both ? ( "I think you are an idiot" fits the bill)

She is recorded as having cracked one joke in her long life.

She asked what the Russians were celebrating and was told they were celebrating the 100th anniversary of Karl marx

They wd rather be celebrating the 100th aniversary of marks and spencer

17:50 she wrote 17 books. How many have you written?

Richard Osman writes books - and they're best sellers. 

barmaid "it is not really an insult, it is his opinion." he could have said Boris was a better writer not say that TGL cannot write at all. It's like saying Linford Christie could not run because he got beat by Carl Lewis.

So what do you think of the Spectator article, TTT - the topic we're supposed to be discussing?

TORATORATORA, this thread is not about Margaret Thatcher or her literary abilities, so stop the derailing, stick to the topic or open a new thread, the choice is yours.

18:10 I think Boris is bang on, shame the OP had to taint the thread with an insult to our greatest peacetime leader.

Is TTT fan-boying, again?

It's a little embarrassing to see a man in his early 60's getting quite so het-up when he thinks someone has dissed his political heroine.

Boris writes well, he always has and apart from his brief forays into politics, his writing has been his (main) source of employment.

just because you have no soul JTT don't have a go at those of us that do. If Raving mod has any consistency you should be getting told to keep on track too now.

I answered the question......and without getting my knickers in a knot, either.

TORATORATORA, the post at 18:18  is fine and the matter is not up for further debate.

Might I suggest that she can't write because she's, well, dead.

That may have been the implication rather than illiteracy or summat.

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