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A Left Handed Corkscrew.

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sandyRoe | 12:13 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
25 Answers

I found one in a charity shop.  Would they be uncommon?



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Not at all, most high streets have charity shops.
12:16 Fri 27th Sep 2024

I'm no expert but isn't there a left handed thread in engineering known as AF? Most screw-in towing eyes are left handed thread.

I've never heard a left-hand thread called AF but before we went metric we had AF and Whitworth nut/bolt sizes where Whitworth was named after the engineer and AF was Across Flats. Left-hand threads are frequently used on such things as car hubs on one side of a car where the rotating wheel can loosen a centre nut as used some wire-wheeled sports and racing cars.

Older HGVs wheel nuts were like that back in the day.

There used to be a "all left handed" shop in London, but left handed items can be bought on line. I have a left handed tape measure and pencil. There is the remnants of an old left handed cheque book somewhere in the house.

It might be Australian. Since they're upside-down, our clockwise is their anticlockwise.

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