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Methane Inhibitor To Be Added To Cow Feed

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pastafreak | 14:05 Sun 01st Dec 2024 | News
10 Answers

It's a trial on 30 farms/ supplying to 3 major supermarkets, but Arla supplies to just about every chain in the UK.

Are consumers being experimented on...alongside the cows?



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It stinks !

consumers are and should be experimented on for this purpose. reducing emissions is an urgent necessity for all countries for the sake of humanity's future. don't but beef for a while if this bothers you.

all it does in inhibit the enzyme that makes CH4 out of the C and the H so the C is still there, can't see how it can work.

No one should be experimented on.  More bowing to impossible targets.

the issue will be what happens to the bovaer.

TBH though, what next stopping people breating out? Human kind has control of 4% of the carbon, the earth the rest. This obsession just demonstrates a species level ignorance. Every breath of most on the animal kingdom adds carbon FGS. Along with that live stock farting and breathing is nothing new.

Question Author you use milk, cream, various uk produced cheeses, or products that contain any of the above? Dk you have easy access to organic produce not under the giant Arla umbrella?

Apparently the testing done before this was approved was quite limited...only something like 500 cows.

In my life I've met loads of folk who would be ideal candidates to be part of that experiment.


Meanwhile, buy organic ?

where can I get some!

PS - I read that on average humans release gas (fart) between 20 & 30 tines day!🤣

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Methane Inhibitor To Be Added To Cow Feed

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