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Kitten Won't Use Its Litter Tray.

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sandyRoe | 14:30 Sun 01st Dec 2024 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers

Last night it messed in the kitchen sink.  It's gone too far.

Apart from filling the sink with water, if I remember, what else could I do?



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Try a different litter. After it has eaten lift it into the tray. Repeat every time 

little tinker - teach it to use the toilet

and flush!

Does it go out regularly?  

Try balancing the litter tray on the sink at night? 

Get some newspaper and dip it into the kitten's urine then put it into the litter tray. 

Please don't say it's gone too far.  Don't blame the kitten.

how could anyone blame a kitten? - aaaw

Try a different litter, or are you not changing or scooping  it often enough.  I have known cats who will only use litter once, so that can be a problem. also have you put the tray in too open an area,  a quiet corner is best, they  can feel vulnerable  when having a poo. Some cats don't like the igloo type tray if that's what you have.

Pooping in strange places can also be a protest from a stressed cat.    Try a couple of feliway plug ins.

andres has the answer I think.  That is what I have always done with kittens and puppies and it has worked.  Don't blame the kitten, it just doesn't understand. Kitchen sink wasn't a bad effort for keeping mess out of the house actually.

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When I said, "It's gone too far", that was just a figure if speech.

I'd not blame a pet because I can't train it.

It's an indoor cat, maybe 5 months old.

I've used Andre's suggestion works.

My big boy will sometimes piddle outside a clean tray...maybe he needs a reminder. He will also occasionally decide only one type of soil will go in the tray.

I keep puppy pads down...just in case. Maybe I'll cut a corner off and put in the litter.

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