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Dore And Totley Quiz Closing Date 25/01/25

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hops | 13:55 Sun 01st Dec 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers

just one short, each answer in this quiz , contains the word white, this is question 27

Together with these we learn to read and write [3,3,2,5,3,4,2,5]

because the answers are in alphabetical order the first word is the and one or maybe both 5 letter words will be white



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The ink is black, the page is white 

I'd just realised it was from a song, too, barry

Me too!

It doesn't fit the clue additions though 

In what way do you mean barry?

Question Author


This part of the OP, Captain

"...because the answers are in alphabetical order the first word is the and one or maybe both 5 letter words will be white"

I am stuck on Q11  Two of these green clad children  4-white, 4

Thank you for any help

Lily white boys 

From Green Grow the Rushes, Oh!

There is a request at the top of this quiz which asks you not to ask for help with the answers.

That's never mattered much in the pursuit of £20. Times are hard!

Sorry, only a tenner! Times are harder than Ithought!

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Dore And Totley Quiz Closing Date 25/01/25

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