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In Panicking Now, What Will Happen?

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abbeylee90 | 18:32 Wed 11th Dec 2024 | Food & Drink
10 Answers

I ate a chicken Kiev thinking it was meant to go in for 25 mins but think I put in for 20 after I'd eaten some of it I found pink on it. Will I have food poisoning now?



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I doubt it


Did you carry on eating it after you saw the pink? If it was still warm I'd have just stuck it in the microwave a for 1-2 minutes

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No I binned it 

You should have cooked it for a little longer rather than throwing it away.  You aren't made of money Abby.

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I'd eaten quite abit.

If there were any pink bits they'd have been in the middle or close to the bone. I doubt you ate any undercooked pink bits as you'd have seen them earlier.

I'm assuming the oven was preheated to the right temperature before you cooked it for 20 minutes.

I always give chicken a couple more minutes just to be sure or turn the heat off and leave it in for 5 more minutes, just as a precaution.

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Yes it was highest temperature 

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Its s chicken breast do no bone

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In Panicking Now, What Will Happen?

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