You sound like you are very attuned to your surroundings and those in your life. Good for you. It is quite common to think of someone and then receive a call or run in to them. What you "put" out in to the universe in thoughts and such usually come back to you in kind. Such as, if you think positive then positive is what will come back, negative will get you negative and exactly what you dont want. I'm sure their are many books and maybe classes out there for you to hone your abilities, we all have them just on different levels of awareness. Try searching the net for the topic and like topics and see if their are any Spiritualist Churches or groups in your area that may offer classes. PS if you do see those that have passed don't be afraid, it is a wonderful gift that many would love to hone. Also try meditation as this will bring your mind in to a better alignment and you will find things easier. In this world of today where everything is rush rush rush and our minds are so over full with BS that we need to step back and relax, usually we need to learn how to relax and then meditate. You could also try your local library. Good luck.