I've just bought a new laptop and it seems to be running a bit slow. I don't know much about computers, but there are already 67 processes running on it, which is twice as much as my last one and the physical memory is at 76%, with the Page File at 1225/1792. This seems a lot seeing as it's only a day old, could this be the reason for it running slowly?
Also, it's supposed to be1gb RAM, but the computer says it's 766mb, why is this?
Some of the RAM is probably being used for graphics. If you don't have a super dooper gaming graphics card, you'll probably find that 256mb of your RAM is used for that.
When you have the 67 processes running, what is the CPU usage?
One reason it may be running slowly is because an initial virus scan is taking place. Have a look to see if your virus scanner is using all the CPU it can.